Sunday, June 20, 2010

A pragmatic world.

Recently I've been trying to figure out why the world is so f-ed up all the time, when it's obvious what the problems are. Seriously.

I was watching an episode of Charlie Rose recently and they had a discussion on Latin America. The interesting part for me was at the very end of the show when all four panelists talked about the failure of the Drug War.

These were not pinko commies talking, they weren't pot heads either. All four men were members of the Council on Foreign Relations. If you don't know who the Council on Foreign Relations are you should probably look them up. Council on Foreign Relations

These guys basically replaced the Trilateral Commission as the world body that tells everyone what to do. Middle of the road players including both Clintons, both Bushes and the current president.

The bottom line is the powers that be are now admitting that the Drug war is a failure. So we should really knock it off. But we're still debating it.

Time to just admit the truth and move on I say. But there are still a lot of folks that get something out of Mexico as a failed state, Afghanistan as a failed state and Latinos, African Americans and other minorities being locked up.

Time for the rest of us to step up and stop the nonsense I say. Time to get pragmatic!

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